Results for 'Stella Tavares Braga Avelino'

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  1.  1
    Laura Cereta: em defesa de uma "República das Mulheres".Natália Braga Tavares - 2024 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 16 (46).
    Seriam as mulheres notáveis e intelectualmente talentosas exceções à regra? A esta pergunta, que reflete com precisão uma concepção do feminino reiteradamente apresentada e defendida por filósofos e escritores filiados às mais diversas tradições intelectuais, Laura Cereta, uma humanista italiana do século XV, busca responder em uma das cartas mais agudas de seu conjunto de ensaios epistolares. Ao longo das linhas endereçadas a um correspondente que recebe, ironicamente, o nome de Bibolo Semproni, Cereta desafia e busca refutar, com base em (...)
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    Inbreeding and Research Productivity Among Sociology PhD Holders in Portugal.Orlanda Tavares, Cristina Sin & Vasco Lança - 2019 - Minerva 57 (3):373-390.
    In Portugal, research productivity is nowadays essential for the positive assessment of academics, research units and study programmes. Academic inbreeding has been highlighted in the literature as one of the factors influencing research productivity. This paper tests the hypothesis that inbreeding is detrimental for research productivity, measured through the number of publications listed in Scopus. The study resorts to a database provided by the national Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education, which comprises all academics teaching in all Portuguese (...)
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    Near space and its relation to claustrophobic fear.Stella F. Lourenco, Matthew R. Longo & Thanujeni Pathman - 2011 - Cognition 119 (3):448-453.
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    Plato and Sex.Stella Sandford - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    What does the study of Plato’s dialogues tell us about the modern meaning of ‘sex’? How can recent developments in the philosophy of sex and gender help us read these ancient texts anew? _Plato and Sex _addresses these questions for the first time. Each chapter demonstrates how the modern reception of Plato’s works Ð in both mainstream and feminist philosophy and psychoanalytical theory Ð has presupposed a ‘natural-biological’ conception of what sex might mean. Through a critical comparison between our current (...)
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    MENDONÇA, Samuel; GALLO, Sílvio. A escola: problema filosófico. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2020.Avelino Aldo de Lima Neto - 2023 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 30:203-206.
    A escola: problema filosófico é uma coletânea oriunda do III Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Filosofia da Educação, realizado em 2018 na Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. Organizado por Samuel Mendonça e Silvio Gallo, o livro foi publicado em 2020 pela Parábola Editorial (São Paulo). Junto à obra A escola: uma questão pública – publicada no mesmo ano e pela mesma Editora –, forma um díptico que interroga, com o instrumental teórico próprio da Filosofia da Educação, a instituição escolar.
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    Conceiving Virtuality: From Art to Technology.Joaquim Braga (ed.) - 2019 - Cham: Springer.
    This book provides new theoretical approaches to the subject of virtuality. All chapters reflect the importance of extending the analysis of the concept of “the virtual” to areas of knowledge that, until today, have not been fully included in its philosophical foundations. The respective chapters share new insights on art, media, psychic systems and technology, while also presenting new ways of articulating the concept of the virtual with regard to the main premises of Western thought. Given its thematic scope, this (...)
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  7. Notas sobre la serie armónica.Avelino Alonso - 1991 - El Basilisco 10:44-52.
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  8. Feudalismo acadêmico.Nildo Avelino - 2013 - In Ana Godoy, Gláucia Figueiredo & Nildo Avelino (eds.), Pedagogia, sujeito e resistências: verdades do poder e poderes da verdade. Curitiba: Editora Appris.
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    Metafísica categorial.Andrés Avelino - 1940 - Trujillo, R.D.,: Editora Montalvo.
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  10. Prolegómenos a la única metafísica posible.Andrés Avelino - 1941 - Ciudad Trujillo, Rep. dominicana,: Editora Montalvo.
  11.  13
    Ética e política.Roberto Saturnino Braga - 2012 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Contraponto.
    Sumário - Introdução; Ética e política; Jornada de seis horas; As utopias do século XXI; Dois mil e cinquenta; Política e ética; Política e ética II; Política e ética III; Desenvolvimento moral; O programa de direitos humanos; A verdade e o futuro da nação; Restaurando a ética; Moral e interesse; A eficácia sempre vence; A volta da política; O policial Beltrame; O amor cidadão.
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    Fisi vs. Journeys into St. Patrick's Purgatory. Irish Psychanodias and Somanodias.Corin Braga - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (36):180-227.
    Early medieval Irish literature presents several types of voyages into the afterworld: echtrai (various adventures into Mag Mell), immrama (sea travels to the enchanted islands of the Ocean), fisi (ecstatic revelations of Christian eschatology), journeys into Saint Patrick’s Purgatory. In this paper, we seek to contrast the fisi and the descents into the cave of Saint Patrick. From a morphological point of view, both have a great deal of topoï in common, which describe the structure of the Christian other world: (...)
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  13.  22
    Philosophy of Care: New Approaches to Vulnerability, Otherness and Therapy.Joaquim Braga & Mário Santiago de Carvalho (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    In this book, authors from a wide interdisciplinary spectrum discuss the issue of care. The book covers both philosophical and therapeutic studies and contains a three-pronged approach to discussing the concepts of care: vulnerability, otherness, and therapy. Above all, it is a matter of combining, in a plural form, a path with multiple theoretical and conceptual bifurcations, but which always point to an observation of society from the perspective of human vulnerability.
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  14. Possibilità e limiti della logica giuridica.Avelino Manuel Quintas - 1962 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 39:403-407.
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    Writing Philosophy on stage: Socrates and Anaxagoras, Aristophanes and Plato.Massimo Stella - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 19:61-91.
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  16. Die griechische Tragödie und das Ende der klassischen Kunstform.Stella Synegianni - 2015 - In Klaus Vieweg, Francesca Iannelli & Federico Vercellone (eds.), Das Ende der Kunst als Anfang freier Kunst. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Juventude em Missão: Profecia e Espiritualidade.Emerson Sbardelotti Tavares - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (15):27-48.
    This article presents and suggests reflections for today's questions about youth while holder of prophecy and spirituality, in a globalized society, where there is an inevitable change of values, increasing individualism, fundamentalism, violence and extermination of young people. Develops the theme from the reality in which is inserted the youth, and how the same understands and experiences the prophecy and spirituality, accentuating their vocation, availability for the mission, their spontaneity, their humor, their rebel energy who puts on a collision course (...)
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  18. Une philosophie de la" dynamique créative".Maria do Carmo Tavares de Miranda - 1996 - Giornale di Metafisica 18 (3):443-446.
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    The ethical concerns of seeking consent from critically ill, mechanically ventilated patients for research – A matter of possessing capacity or surrogate insight.Avelino C. Verceles & Waqas Bhatti - 2018 - Clinical Ethics 13 (3):107-111.
    Conducting clinical research on subjects admitted to intensive care units is challenging, as they frequently lack the capacity to provide informed consent due to multiple factors including intensive care unit acquired delirium, coma, the need for sedation, or underlying critical illness. However, the presence of one or more of these characteristics does not automatically designate a potential subject as lacking capacity to provide their own informed consent. We review the ethical issues involved in obtaining informed consent for medical research from (...)
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  20. Conceptual Change and Emancipatory Practices: an Approach from Wittgenstein's On certainty / Emancypacja w praktyce a pewne zmiany pojęciowe: wokół traktatu Wittgensteina O pewności.Stella Villarmea - 2013 - Annales Umcs. Sectio I (Filozofia, Socjologia) 38 (1):7-24.
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    Embodiment and Representation in Digital Mediation.Joaquim Braga - 2024 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (3):262-283.
    The central thesis of this paper is that in digital media the operations and representations of the human body reveal close somatic and aesthetic links with each other, the latter often working as forms of mitigation of the effects of the former. I will argue, therefore, that, in the digital domain, the modes and contents of representation should not be understood without the embodied relations inherent to the use of devices. For this to be feasible, it is essential to formulate (...)
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    Natural sciences, technology and foresight: an approach based on Ernst Cassirer’s symbol theory.Joaquim Braga - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):419-435.
    As much as it is rooted in empirical facts, the concept of truth in natural sciences and technology has core dimensions marked by the sphere of the possible. As can be inferred from Cassirer’s symbol theory, this is, in both cultural forms, a structuring mode of their symbolic constitution and differentiation. But when the coupling of the two increases (as currently happens with the new pictorial forms of scientific prediction), it is necessary to know the major repercussions imposed on the (...)
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    Filosofia da Diferença e Pragmatismo: as oficinas de conceitos filosóficos como ferramentas da prática intersubjetiva da discussão razoável.Antonio Saturnino Braga - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-32.
    Resumo: O objetivo do presente trabalho é defender a uma perspectiva de ensino de filosofia baseada na compreensão pragmatista da prática intersubjetiva da argumentação racional, temperada por outro lado com a ênfase deleuziana na diferenciação e na singularidade das situações problemáticas, tomadas como situações que motivam as argumentações e discussões capazes de promover transformações políticas do mundo social. Na primeira seção introduzimos nossa perspectiva através da comparação de duas propostas mais diretamente vinculadas à questão da educação e do ensino de (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Love: Gender and Transcendence in Levinas.Stella Sandford - 2000 - Athlone Press.
    In The Metaphysics of Love, however, Stella Sandford argues that an over-emphasis on ethics in the reception of Levinas's thought has concealed the basis and ...
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  25.  33
    O Problema ‘Mente-Cérebro’ e responsabilidade penal.Ricardo Tavares da Silva - 2024 - Anatomia Do Crime 19:71-108.
  26. Language Helps Children Succeed on a Classic Analogy Task.Stella Christie & Dedre Gentner - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (2):383-397.
    Adult humans show exceptional relational ability relative to other species. In this research, we trace the development of this ability in young children. We used a task widely used in comparative research—the relational match-to-sample task, which requires participants to notice and match the identity relation: for example, AA should match BB instead of CD. Despite the simplicity of this relation, children under 4 years of age failed to pass this test (Experiment 1), and their performance did not improve even with (...)
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    50 Years of the Second Sex.Stella Sandford - 1999 - The Philosophers' Magazine 7 (7):43-44.
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    La Ilustración francesa, la Revolución norteamericana y la Revolución francesa.Francisco Antonio Avelino & Carmen Durán - 2000 - Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana. Edited by Carmen Durán.
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    A Mediação Transformadora e os Direitos Humanos: a Possibilidade de Inserção da Alteridade no Conflito.Romulo Rhemo Palitot Braga & Tássio Túlio Braz Bezerra - 2015 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 1 (1).
    O presente trabalho pretende apresentar a mediação transformadora, a partir da perspectiva teórica de Luis Alberto Warat, como proposta de promoção de uma cultura de direitos humanos, haja vista articular em seu exercício a autonomia dos sujeitos e a inclusão da alteridade no conflito. É partindo deste último elemento que será aprofundada uma discussão articulada entre os direitos humanos e a mediação por meio do debate sobre o reconhecimento da igualdade e da diferença, atualmente tão caro aos direitos humanos. A (...)
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    Contributions de la phénoménologie existentielle heideggerienne à la clinique élargie.Tatiana Benevides Magalhães Braga & Marciana Gonçalves Farinha - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (29):91-105.
    Cet article aborde les contributions de Heidegger à la notion de pratique clinique élargie en santé. À cette fin, il passe en revue le processus historique de considération des conditions de santé, aborde le concept de clinique élargie et sauve deux dimensions conceptuelles de l'œuvre de Heidegger: la discussion de la question de la technique et le concept d'être-au-monde. Sur la question de la technique, il examine comment la restriction de la technologie moderne aux possibilités globales des entités peut également (...)
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    Da convergência figurativa entre corpo e imagem.Joaquim Braga - 2019 - Acta Scientiarum Language and Culture 41 (2):1-9.
    Com este artigo são trazidas à reflexão duas temáticas que, desde longa data, animam o pensamento filosófico ocidental, a saber: a representação imagética do corpo e as suas potencialidades simbólicas discursivas. Tendo em vista a articulação conceptual de ambas, no quadro geral de uma teoria estética da sensibilidade afecta aos novos meios tecnológicos, será aqui introduzido e desenvolvido o conceito de ‘convergência figurativa’, do qual se partirá para repensar as dinâmicas emergentes da representação do corpo e as diferenças que o (...)
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    Die symbolische Prägnanz des Bildes. Zu einer Kritik des Bildbegriffs nach der Philosophie Ernst Cassirers.Joaquim Braga - 2012 - Freiburg, Alemanha: Centaurus Verlag.
    Ausgangspunkt für diese Kritik des Bildbegriffs ist das triadische Grundverhältnis von Bild, Wahrnehmung und symbolischen Formen. Aus dem Grunde geht die thematische Richtung des Werks vor allem von einem kulturphilosophischen Kriterium des Bildbegriffs – das Kriterium der symbolischen Artikulation – hin zu einer Bestimmung der Individualität des Bildes als Kunstwerk und dadurch auch zu einer normativen Bestimmung des Bildbegriffs selbst. Es ist genau die Cassirersche Beziehung zwischen dem Begriff der symbolischen Prägnanz und dem Begriff des physiognomischen Formerlebnisses, die das Bild (...)
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    Imagination, Multimodality, and Sound.Joaquim Braga - 2019 - In Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Mads Walther-Hansen & Martin Knakkergaard (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination, Volume 1. Oxford Handbooks.
    Joaquim Braga deals with the role of sound in multimodal environments and multimodal surfaces. He argues that imagination not only bridges sensory dimensions that are absent from perception but also is central to “the relationship of presence,” that is, the connection between presently perceived sensory input. This involves assessing both the individuating dimension and the relational disposition of sound, which allows sound—through the activation of imagination—to develop sensory relations. Central to his discussion of the function and contribution of sound (...)
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  34.  12
    Lote e quadra, cidade e território: múltiples escalas do projeto paisagístico.Flavia Braga, Rubens de Andrada & Eloisa Carvalho de Araujo (eds.) - 2016 - Rio de Janeiro: Escola de Belas Artes.
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    Motivated reasoning in the prediction of sports outcomes and the belief in the “hot hand”.João P. N. Braga, André Mata, Mário B. Ferreira & Steven J. Sherman - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1571-1580.
    The present paper explores the role of motivation to observe a certain outcome in people’s predictions, causal attributions, and beliefs about a streak of binary outcomes. In two studies we found that positive streaks lead participants to predict the streak’s continuation, but negative streaks lead to predictions of its end. More importantly, these wishful predictions are supported by strategic attributions and beliefs about how and why a streak might unfold. Results suggest that the effect of motivation on predictions is mediated (...)
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    Uma tese radical: Espinosa E a democracia.Luiz Carlos Montans Braga - 2019 - Cadernos Espinosanos 40:195-205.
    Resenha do livro "O mais natural dos regimes. Espinosa e a Democracia", de Diogo Pires Aurélio.
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  37. Controversia pelagiano-agustiniana sobre la salvación de los ricos.Avelino Folgado Fernández - 1998 - Ciudad de Dios 211 (2):403-475.
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    Education qua Enlightenment: On the Rationality of the Principle of Reason.Stella Gaon - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:285-292.
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    Judging justice: The strange responsibility of deconstruction.Stella Gaon - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (1):97-114.
    This paper demonstrates that when the concept of ethicalpolitical responsibility is taken in its modern sense as a decision or outcome based on the protocols of reason, responsibility is neither simply possible nor simply impossible. Paradoxically, it appeals to a demand that it cannot fulfil; responsibility is thus (im)possible. Moreover, insofar as a deconstructive demonstration of this aporia is itself a response to reason’s own demand, deconstruction cannot be characterized as simply responsible or irresponsible. Rather, deconstruction inscribes itself as the (...)
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    Building and Improving Tactical Agents in Real Time through a Haptic-Based Interface.Avelino J. Gonzalez & Gary Stein - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (4):383-403.
    This article describes and evaluates an approach to create and/or improve tactical agents through direct human interaction in real time through a force-feedback haptic device. This concept takes advantage of a force-feedback joystick to enhance motor skill and decision-making transfer from the human to the agent in real time. Haptic devices have been shown to have high bandwidth and sensitivity. Experiments are described for this new approach, named Instructional Learning. It is used both as a way to build agents from (...)
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  41. François Poulain de la Barre: Feminismo y Modernidad.Stella León Hernández - 2011 - Astrolabio 11:257-270.
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    Visioni dell'Apocalisse. L'immaginario cinematografico della fine del mondo.Stella Marega (ed.) - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    In Favor of Meritocracy, not Against Democracy.Ricardo Tavares Da Silva - 2017 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 7 (1).
    Regarding the selection of the legislative representatives, the elective system is the system that most democratic organizations have adopted. It has become so present nowadays that we take for granted the identification between elective system and representative democracy. But is this identification a correct one? I argue that it is not, since the meaning of 'representative democracy' has no reference to specific mode of selection of the representatives. And, since democracy and other methods of selection are compatible, it should adopted (...)
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    Il programma di radicale naturalizzazione della mente. Note su alcuni assunti concettuali.Aldo Stella - 2014 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 5 (3):250-266.
    La ricerca qui proposta si rivolge al programma di radicale naturalizzazione della mente e, in particolare, alla posizione del monismo materialistico che esso produce. L’articolo si propone di individuare gli assunti fondamentali sui quali tale programma poggia. Un primo assunto identificato e discusso criticamente all’interno del lavoro concerne una concezione corrispondentista della verità. Un secondo assunto fa riferimento ad una concezione secondo la quale lo studio della mente si riduce all’individuazione di relazioni causali e leggi che regolano processi meccanici, mentre (...)
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  45. As associações de mulheres nas décadas de 70 e 80.Manuela Tavares - forthcoming - História.
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    Consciência e Liberdade Na Era Do Big Data: Paradigmas Do Sujeito Contemporâneo.Bárbara Linda Tavares - 2019 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 35 (1).
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    Inf'ncias, cidade E relações intergeracionais na Vida cotidiana.Maria Tereza Goudard Tavares - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-26.
    This article derives from my participation in the II Congress of Childhood Studies: Politicizations and Aesthetics, held in September 2019, at UERJ/Maracanã. My speech entitled Childhoods, Culture and Intergenerational Relations in everyday life, was delivered in the conference “The ethnic-racial issue and the generational issue in childhood” having at its core extreme burning issues in Childhood Studies: both ethnic-racial and generational issues, arguing how these intersecting points have effects on the daily life of Brazilian children, especially children from the popular (...)
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    Exilios en la Bauhaus.Stella Wittenberg - 2009 - Arbor 185 (739):941-951.
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    Contradiction of Terms: Feminist Theory, Philosophy and Transdisciplinarity.Stella Sandford - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):159-182.
    What happens when well-defined disciplines meet or are confronted with transdisciplinary discourses and concepts, where transdisciplinary concepts are analytical tools rather than specifications of a field of objects or a class of entities? Or, if disciplines reject transdisciplinary discourses and concepts as having no part to play in their practice, why do they so reject them? This essay addresses these questions through a discussion of the relationship between philosophy – the most tightly policed discipline in the humanities – and what (...)
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  50. Estetica ed estetismo nel pensiero crociano.Vittorio Stella - 2003 - Filosofia Oggi 26 (103):263-276.
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